Top 25 Valuable Lessons from the Financial IQ

financial Iq


Top 25 Valuable Lessons from the Book 

Financial IQ 

By Robert T. Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki has firmly believed that the best investment one can ever make is in taking the time to truly understand how one's finances work. Too many people are much more interested in the quick-hitting scheme or trying to find a shortcut to real wealth. As Kiyosaki has preached over and over again, one has to truly be under the process of how money works before one can start out trying to escape the daily financial Rat Race.

Now, in this latest book in the popular Rich Dad Poor Dad series, Kiyosaki lays out his 5 key principles of Financial Intelligence for all to understand. In INCREASE YOUR FINANCIAL IQ, Kiyosaki provides real insights on these key steps to wealth

Here are the Top 25 Valuable Lessons from the Financial IQ

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1. Money alone does not solve your money problems

2. Hard work doesn’t solve money problems.

3. if our financial intelligence is not developed enough to solve our problems, the problems persist.

4. “Money problems make you smarter if you solve the problem.”

5. Poverty is simply having more problems than solutions.

6. Poverty is caused by a person’s being overwhelmed by problems he or she can’t solve. Not all causes of poverty are financial problems.

7. financial intelligence can only be achieved by solving financial problems

8. Instead of increasing their financial IQ, the only thing the poor increase is their financial problems.”

9. The rich don’t quit they learn and by learning, they grow richer.

10. You can be the equivalent of a genius when it comes to academic intelligence, but the equivalent of a moron when it comes to financial intelligence.

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11. “Financial intelligence is that part of our mental intelligence we use to solve our financial problems. Financial IQ is the measurement of financial intelligence.

12. many people do not walk their talk.

13. “Answers are about the past, and abilities are about the future.”

14. “Money is not the most important thing in life, but money does affect everything important.”

15. solving the problem was the path to wealth.

16. “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

17. Every Goal Has a Process Always remember that the process is more important than the goal.

18. “If you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money.”

19. Quitters Rarely Win

20. People failed to realize that the process, not the money, made them rich.

Rich dad poor dad Financial IQ finacialiq

21. “Life is a daring adventure nothing.”

22. “Wall Street is the place people drive to in their Rolls-Royce to take advice from people who ride the subway.”

23. All businesses have something to sell. If they do not sell, they are out of business.

24. You can be the equivalent of a genius when it comes to academic intelligence, but the equivalent of a moron when it comes to financial intelligence.

25. “Financial intelligence is that part of our mental intelligence we use to solve our financial problems. Financial IQ is the measurement of financial intelligence.

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