Top 25 Valuable Lessons from You are Badass at Making Money
By Jen Sincero
Money is a complicated subject. Some people love and obsess over it while others have come to despise the stuff. And while some desire money, some feel ashamed over having so much of it.
Our culture has many negative beliefs about money, like it being the reason people turn into greedy and selfish monsters. But this is a myth.
Making money is what allows people to break free from financial constraints and use their time and energy for the things they care about. This is how philanthropists and activists can start charities and spread the word about important issues.
Often, our attitude to wealth will fluctuate between good and bad.
Here are the Top 10 Valuable Lessons from You are Badass at Making Money
1. A healthy desire for wealth is not greed, it’s a desire for life.
2. We all have seeds of unthinkable badassery in the side of us, yet only some of us will allow ourselves to grow.
3. Greed comes from the same lack mindset as poverty.
4. Nothing in excess is healthy.
5. If he can do it so can you?
6. Our beliefs, along with our thoughts and words are at the root of everything we experience in life.
7. Just being alive is risky.
8. What comes out of your mouth comes into your life.
9. Your thoughts inspire emotions that inspire action that forms your reality.
10. Your emotions are the fuel.
11. People love to tell you what you should and shouldn’t want, regardless of how you feel about it.
12. If we’re not careful, we can stay stuck for years or even lifetimes in situations that cause us pain because we’d rather defend these nontruths than upset or disappoint anybody our inner critics included.
13. Whatever may be said in praise of poverty the fact remains that it is not possible to live a complete or successful life unless one is rich
14. Everybody arrives on this planet with unique desires, gifts, and talents and as you journey through life, your job is to discover what is yours?
15. You cannot give what you do not have so if you want to help others you have to take care of yourself first.
16. Your external world is a mirror of your internal world.
17. Your thoughts inspire emotions that inspire action that forms your reality
18. One of the biggest obstacles to making lots of money is not a lack of good ideas or opportunities or time, or that we’re too slovenly or stupid it’s that we refuse to permit ourselves to become rich.
19. Our world, now more than ever needs as many compassionate creative big-hearted conscious people to be as rich as possible so we can turn this mother around
20. Take a deep breath, trusty our desires, and embrace the fact that your quest for riches is a quest to become more of who you truly are
21. If he can do it so can you?
22. Our realities are make-believe whatever we make ourselves believe, we experience.
23. Our perception of reality is also greatly influenced by our words.
24. Words bring our thoughts and beliefs to life and help anchor them into our realities through repetition.
25. Words help us form the identities we get attached to our lingo our schtick My memory is crap.